General Terms and Conditions of Geotoura

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1. Conclusion of the travel contract / payment

2. Insurance

We recommend taking out travel cancellation and trip interruption insurance and insurance to cover the costs of assistance including repatriation in the event of accident, illness or death or the conclusion of an insurance package that includes travel cancellation insurance, which we will be happy to inform you about and which we will arrange for you if necessary. Our partner for travel cancellation insurance and the insurance package is ERGO Reiseversicherung AG, Rosenheimer Straße 116, 81669 Munich. We also recommend that you take out international health insurance for all trips.

3. Services

The contractually agreed services result from the service descriptions in our brochure / Internet brochure and from the information referring to these in the individual travel confirmation.

4. Price and contract changes after conclusion of the contract, significant price and contract changes, rights of the customer

5. cancellation by the customer, rebooking, replacement persons

6. services not utilised

If the traveller does not make use of individual travel services that Geotoura has duly offered for reasons for which they are solely responsible (e.g. due to early return or illness), the traveller is not entitled to a pro rata refund of the tour price. However, Geotoura will endeavour to reimburse the expenses saved by the service provider.

7 Cancellation and termination by the tour operator

8 Liability and limitation of liability

Geotoura’s contractual liability for damages that are not physical injuries and are not culpably caused is limited to three times the tour price. This limitation of liability does not apply to claims under the Montreal Convention for the loss of luggage.

9. obligations of the customer, remedy, setting a deadline before cancellation by the customer

10. Duty to inform about the identity of the operating air carrier

In accordance with EU Regulation No. 2111/05, Geotoura is obliged to inform the customer of the identity of the respective air carrier of any air transport services to be provided as part of the booked trip at the time of booking. If the operating airline or airlines have not yet been determined at this time, Geotoura must name the airline or airlines that are likely to carry out the air transport and ensure that the customer is immediately informed of the identity as soon as it or they have been determined. The same applies if the operating airline changes. The EU blacklist can be viewed on the website and on the Geotoura website.

11. Passport and visa requirements, health regulations

12. Data protection

Geotoura informs the customer about the processing of his personal data in the data protection declaration on the website and in the data protection notice when contacting Geotoura. Geotoura complies with the provisions of the BDSG and the GDPR when processing personal data. Personal data is all data that relates to a person personally (e.g. name, address, email address). This data is processed insofar as it is necessary for the appropriate processing of your enquiry, booking request, for the implementation of pre-contractual measures or for the fulfilment of the contract from the travel contract. Data processing is permitted for the purposes mentioned in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR. Your data will not be passed on to unauthorised third parties without the express consent of the customer. The customer has the option at any time to retrieve their stored personal data, request information about it, have it changed, corrected or deleted, have its processing restricted, object to its processing, have it transferred or complain to a supervisory authority about the processing (all rights under Art. 15 to 20 GDPR). The data will be deleted if it is no longer required for the fulfilment of the contract or if its storage is not permitted by law. If your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, provided there are reasons for this arising from your particular situation. You can exercise your right to object by sending an email to or by contacting us at the address below. By sending a message to, customers can also object to the use or processing of their data for advertising, market or opinion research purposes or for marketing purposes at any time free of charge.

13. Miscellaneous

14. Tour operator

The tours published on these pages are organised by Geotoura GmbH. Managing Director: Volker Hensel Commercial Register Local Court Mannheim, HRB 700692 Address: Geotoura GmbH, Schiffgasse 4a, 69117 Heidelberg Tel. 06221/653079-0 Fax: 06221/4348162 E-Mail: Sales tax ID: DE249482451. Main characteristics of the service: Tour organisation Tour operator liability insurance: Haftpflichtkasse Darmstadt, Arheilger Weg 5, 64380 Roßdorf, Tel. 06154-6010 Territorial scope of the insurance: worldwide German law applies to the travel contract (see section 13.1)